Royal Jelly & Bee Venom

Royal Jelly & Bee Venom

Bee venom and royal jelly are valuable products produced from hives, and used as ingredients in cosmetics and health products.

Analytica has recently developed tests for the purity of both of these, which can be used when checking the quality of raw material as well as products that claim to contain them.

  • Bee venom testing measures the concentration of the protein melittin, which is the most abundant of the small proteins found in bee venom.
  • Royal jelly testing measures the concentration of 10-HDA, a minor yet unique component of royal jelly.

This testing will be useful for those selling or buying these products as raw materials, to provide assurance of quality.  It will also be helpful for those wanting to check and confirm that cosmetics and health products do contain the amounts of royal jelly or bee venom that are to be expected based on the labels.  It’s a low volume test at this stage, so please contact us for details of price and turn around time.



Please contact Analytica for current pricing and TATs on +64 7 974 4740 or at We are always happy to help you get the most out of your testing.  

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