Microbiology and Extended Chemistry

Microbiology Extended Chemistry

Microbiology and Extended Chemistry testing is arranged for you by Analytica through its partnership with CAIQTEST (Pacific) and Food Lab Pacific (FLP), who are conveniently located onsite here with us.

Standard testing methodology suitable to meet international standards such as CODEX are available, as well as Chinese National (GB) methods required to meet export requirements for China. 

There is a wide range of honey tests available including Aerobic Plate Count (APC), Yeast and Moulds, Osmophilic Yeasts, Free Acidity, Total activity, Non-Peroxide Activity (NPA).  

For the full list of tests contact us. 

Pricing And Turnaround Time

Pricing and turnaround times vary between different methods. Please contact us to discus.

Why Use Analytica?

Analytica offer the full range of honey tests which honey producers, processors, and marketers need.  With a fast turnaround time, a competitive price, and service that our customers rave about. Because we are able to carry out a number of tests on your honey, you can send in one sample and let us take care of the rest. 

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We are fully committed to our timely customer service and are always happy to consider solutions to your unique testing needs including the potential for R&D.


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